[Verse: 1]
Watch a lonely, dark day, yes, a hard way
having passed this life, instead of freedom rive
I'm stuck in the "second" world, nearby
I'm not dead and not alive
the time line is now endless
and I'm stuck in the world of the living
a restless, lost soul wandering among the living
in the "second" world, covering history
Watching my days fade feeling rive flames
no one sees my wounds at the path
and no one can help me find peace on "that" silent land
stop, and look at the lost soul
[Verse: 2]
And my miseries are wasted
my body is rotting underground
but I am left here without the opportunity to find peace
I am afraid that I will remain here forever restless
my deceased loved ones have gone to paradise
but I remained in this "solid" world on the "subtle" plane