Woman Is The Nigger Of The World
Вступление – 1 круг…
Wo*..ma..n /i..s the ni**..gge..r / o..f the**.. wo*…..o\….o*…rld...
Ye*…s she.. i….i*....s // thi*..nk abo\..ut i..t //
Wo*..ma..n /i..s the ni*..gge..r / o..f the.. wo**…..o\….o*…rld...
Thi*..nk abo\..ut i*..t... // do.. /so...methi..ng a…bo..ut i…t
…We.. ma*..ke he..r pa**..int / he..r fa..ce /a..nd da**……nce //
…I..f she*.. wo..n't be.. sla*.ve ,we.. sa..y tha..t she.. do..n't lo**…...ve u..s
…I..f she*.'s re*..al, / we.. sa..y / she..'s try.ing to.. be.. a.. ma*..n //
…Whi..le pu**..tti..ng he..r do..wn /
we.. pre..tend tha.t she.. i..s a.bo..ve u**..a…a...s //
Wo**…..ma…..n /i..s the.. ni**..gge..r / o..f the.. wo*…..o\….o*…rld...
….Ye***…s she.. i\..s /
If you.. do*..n't beli**..ve me ta*..ke a\.. loo*..k to the o..ne you\\..'re wi**…i**…th
Wo*..ma..n / i..s the\… sla*...e\….e*..ves / to.. the\.. sla*..e\..e*..e\..e*..ves
A**….h ye**….ah... // …be*..tte…r scre*..em a..bo*…ut i\…t
…We.. ma*..ke he\..r be*..ar /a\..nd ra*..ise ou\..r chi*..ldre..n //
..A.nd the..n we.. le..ave he..r fla*..t fo.r be.ing a. fa*..t o.ld mo*..the..r he..n
..We.. te*..ll he..r ho*.me i.s the. o..nly.. pla..ce she.. wou..ld be**.. //
..The..n we.. co..mpla*.in tha..t she'.s too. u..nwo*..rldl..y to.. be.. o…ur frie…e*…..nd
…We.. i..nsu*..lt he..r e..veryda..y o..n Ti..Vi… //
…A..nd wo..nder why*.. she. ha..s no.. gu..ts o.r co..nfi..de*…...nce //
…Whe..n she'.s you..ng we.. ki*..ll he..r wi..ll to.. be.. free*.. //
…Whi..le te*.lli..ng he..r no.t to.. be. so.. sma*..rt we.. pu..t he..r do*..wn fo..r be..ing so.. du*..mb //
//// ///// // …We\.. ma*..ke he\..r pa*..int he\..r fa*..ce a..nd da***..nce