Τι ανάγκη έχεις
Όλοι μου λένε
Με τόσα που έχεις
Μα άσ’ τους να λένε
Εύκολα κρίνουν
Χωρίς να ξέρουν
Δεν αγάπησαν
Για να υποφέρουν
Τι να τα κάνω τα λεφτά
Άμα δεν έχω εσένα πια
Τι να τα κάνω σε ρωτώ
Λείπεις και παω να τρελαθώ
Τι να τα κάνω τα λεφτά
Άμα δεν έχω εσένα πια
Λεω να τα κάψω
Εδώ μπροστά σου
Μήπως ζεστάνει
Λίγο η καρδιά σου
Τι να τα κάνω τα λεφτά
Άμα δεν έχω εσένα πια
Τι να τα κάνω σε ρωτώ
Αφού δεν είσαι πια εδώ
Ότι θελήσω
Μπορώ να το ΄χω
Και να πετύχω
Κάθε μου στόχο
Μα υπάρχει κάτι
Που δεν πουλιέται
Είναι η καρδιά σου
Που μ’ απαρνιέται
Τι να τα κάνω τα λεφτά...
Θα τα χαρίσω
Για να φτωχύνω
Μήπως σε νοιάξει
Τι θα απογίνω
Τι να τα κάνω τα λεφτά...
The money
You are in no need
everybody is saying to me
with all the things you have
but let them talk
they judge easily
without knowing
they didn't love
in order to suffer
What (am I left) to do with the money
if I don't have you anymore
I'm asking you what (am I left) to do with them
you are not here and I'm going crazy
What (am I left) to do with the money
if I don't have you anymore
I think I will burn them
here infront of you
so that maybe (they) will warm
a little bit your heart
What (am I left) to do with the money
if I don't have you anymore
I'm asking you what (am I left) to do with them
since you are not here anymore
whatever I want
I can have it
and achieve
every goal of mine
but there is something
that cannot be sold
it's your heart
that denies me
What (am I left) to do with the money
if I don't have you anymore
I'm asking you what (am I left) to do with them
you are not here and I'm going crazy
What (am I left) to do with the money
if I don't have you anymore
I will give them away
in order to become poorer
in case you will care
what will I become
What (am I left) to do with the money
if I don't have you anymore
I'm asking you what (am I left) to do with them
since you are not here anymore
I think I will burn them
here infront of you
so that maybe (they) will warm
a little bit your heart
What (am I left) to do with the money
if I don't have you anymore
I'm asking you what (am I left) to do with them
you are not here and I'm going crazy
What (am I left) to do with the money
if I don't have you anymore
I'm asking you what (am I left) to do with them
since you are not here anymore