Dreadlock Holiday
I wa..s wa..lkin' do..wn the stree..t // Co..ncentra..tin' o..n tru..cki..n' ri..ght
I heard a da..rk vo..ice be..side o..f me //
A..nd I.. loo..ked ro..und i..n a sta..te o..f fri..ght
I saw fou..r fa..ce..s // o..ne ma…d // A bro..ther fro..m the gu..tter
The..y loo..ked me u…p and do..wn a bi..t and tu..rned to.. e…ach o..the..r
I.. sa..y // I.. do..n't li..ke cri…cke*..t // o..h no..
I.. lo..ve i..t ….
I.. sa..y // I.. do..n't li..ke cri…cke..t // n..o no..
I.. lo..ve i..t ….
Do..n't you.. wa..lk thru..' my. wo..rds
You.. go..t to.. sho..w so..me re..spe..ct
Do..n't you.. wa..lk thru..' my wo..rds
'Ca..use you a..in't he..ard me ou..t ye….t.
Well he.. looked do..wn a..t my.. si..lve..r cha..in
He.. sa..id I'..ll gi..ve you.. o*..ne do..lla\…r
I.. sa..id you..'ve go..t to.. be.. jo..kin' ma..n
I…t wa..s a.. pre..sent fro..m me.. mo..the..r
He.. sa.id // I. li..ke i…t // I.. wa..nt i..t // I..'ll ta..ke i..t o...ff your ha..nds
And you..'ll be.. so..rry.. // you.. cro..ssed m..e
You..'d be..tter understa.nd tha..t you..'re a..lo…..ne
A lo…ng wa..y fro…m ho…me.
An..d I.. sa..y // I don't like re..gga..e // no.. no..
I.. lo\..ve i*..t …. /////
An..d I.. sa..y // I don't like re..gga..e //
I.. lo\..ve i*..t
Do..n't you.. cra…mp me.. sty..le
Do..n't you.. qu..eer me.. pi..tch
Do..n't you.. wa..lk thru' my.. wo..rds
'Cau..se you.. ain't he..ard me.. ou….t y..e….t.
I.. hu..rried ba..ck to.. the.. swi..mmi..ng poo..l
Si..nki..n' Pe..na.. Ca*..la..rda …
I.. heard a da..rk vo..ice be..si..de me.. sa..y
Wo…uld you.. li..ke so..methi..ng ha..rde\..r
She.. sa..id I'\..ve go..t i*..t // you\.. wa..nt i*…t
My.. ha..rve..st i..s the be*..st / and i..t you try ..i*..t / you..'ll li..ke i*..t..
A..nd who..llo..w i..n a\.. Drea*..dlo…ck Ho…ly\…da*…y.
A..nd I… sa..y
Do..n't li..ke Ja..ma\..ica*.. // o..h no..
I.. lo..ve he*..r …….
Do..n't li..ke Ja..ma\..ica.. // o..h no…
I.. lo..ve he..r // o..h ye..a
Do..n't you.. wa..lk thru' he..r wo..rds
You.. go..t to.. sho..w so..me re..spe*..ct
Do..n't you.. wa..lk thru..' he..r wo..rds
'Ca..use you.. a..in't he..ard he..r o..ut y…e….t.
I.. do..n't li..ke cri..cke*…t ///
I.. lo..ve i*..t Drea..dlo..ck Ho..li..da…y
I ..do..n't li..ke re..gga*…e
I.. lo..ve i*..t Dre..adlo..ck Ho..li..da..y
Do..n't li..ke Ja..mai..ca*..
I.. lo..ve he*..r Dre..adlo..ck Ho..li..da..y.